Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Protect Your Eyes with Lighted Safety Glasses

Safety glasses protect your eyes when they’re exposed to potentially dangerous environments. Typical places are chemical processing facilities, car repair shops, and laboratories, among others. Your eyes are precious and extremely important so you need to provide the protection they need. Lighted safety glasses offer more than protection. They are stylish but also designed with sturdy material to protect your eyes even in the harshest conditions. However, lighted safety glasses offer more than protection. They’re also very handy when you need extra personal lighting.

A typical example where extra personal lighting may be needed is during lab experiments. Sometimes, lighting from the main source may just not be enough for critical examination. Moreover, seeing as it is a lab experiment, the eyes need to be protected as well from a host of dangerous substances. Typically, you’re exposed to harsh chemicals and stinging smells from corrosives, acids, and other strong chemicals that can sting your eyes. These harsh chemicals can easily splatter into your eyes and in one second, you could turn blind. There’s also a chance for small explosions to occur when chemicals are mixed, leading to broken glasses and shrapnel flying around. These can also potentially injure your eyes if they’re not protected.

With lighted safety glasses, you will ‘kill two birds with one stone’ – they protect your eyes while providing extra light when it is needed. They provide a wide, clear view that enables you to see clearly and are made from extremely strong material that can withstand extreme conditions.

They’re ideal when working in a workshop or auto repair shop. For instance, if you’re going to check the water levels in deep-cycle battery cells, you definitely need to protect your eyes as they could be permanently damaged without protection.

When it comes to the shorter days of winter, it means that you’re going to spend more time in low-light conditions and will definitely need extra personalized lighting. Anyone that works with equipment knows too well how important it is to have enough lighting. Unfortunately, some parts may be located in tight areas where normal lighting cannot reach, for instance when working under some machinery or equipment. But with lighted safety glasses, you get the lighting directed exactly where you need it.

Lighted safety glasses are built for safety and versatility. Besides their very practical application in harsh environments, you can also use them at home for a range of DIY projects. If you’re painting a dimly lit room, you will need these glasses for clear vision as well as for protection from paint.

You may also need them when doing simple electrical work at home or when you’re checking out your car engine. Moreover, they could also be handy when you need extra light to catch up on a book.

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