Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What you should consider when getting a LED book light

Books are definitely one of man’s best friend; especially for book lovers. With millions and millions of different titles from different writers about different genres and topics, it’s just normal to see a lot of people that love to read books. However, not really all book lovers are voracious readers. Of course because of busy schedules, various activities and eBook formats, some book lovers can’t enjoy their favorite paperbacks or hard bound copies. But if you are indeed one of those many others who are still into hard copies and try to read a few lines during breaks or perhaps at night, you’d definitely be delighted to know that you could get a great LED book light.

Before, one of the main reasons why book lovers have to reluctantly refrain from finishing a novel late at night is that they are afraid to disturb others that are fast asleep. But nowadays, they could get some LED products that could help them read all they want without having to disturb their companions. They could even save energy which is good not only for them but for the environment as well. However of course, there are different kinds of book lights available on the market these days that it is really necessary to choose one that will suit your needs best.

There could be certain factors that you may want to consider when you are trying to get the best LED book light. One thing that you should consider is what books you would be reading. If you are usually reading simple paperbacks and novels and you have problems with your vision, you could just go with LED reading glasses. These are hands-free light as the LEDs are attached to your reading glasses. When you have prescription from your doctor, they could make you customized ones with the right lenses that will help you see. But if perhaps you are reading more hard bounds and bigger books, you’d probably need tables lights so the coverage of the light would be wider but wouldn’t disturb those that are asleep.

Also, LED lights are more convenient to get when you have to regularly use these lights. These are more cost effective and could help save in energy as well. You should also think about whether there are actually available power outlets on your home or where you will place it. If not, you could settle for battery-operated ones. Of course, personal reference would be the main factor for a lot of people. You would have to settle on what you really want and what you could afford as well.

Lastly, you should really consider where you will get the product. There could be a lot of sources out there and also on the internet. But as much as you can, you should try to research more about the place to be sure of what you will get.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

LED hats – The convenience these could give you

Every day life is filled with different activities to do and also unexpected scenarios that will arrive. It’s just important to keep ourselves focused and also prepared with these endeavors. One of the must-haves these days when it comes to tools that we could use for work, activities as well as emergency situations are LED hats. These are definitely convenient equipments that a lot of people are actually getting these days.

First of all, these LED hats are really handy as LED lights could be a great source for strong light. It could last longer as compared with normal bulbs therefore it’s much more efficient. And since it’s attached to a hat, you would not have to hold it with one of your hands hence giving you the freedom to do whatever you have to do without any hassle. And the hat isn’t like what you have seen on movies or pictures worn by miners. These are normal looking hats that you could use every day without worrying about how you look like.

You could be able to make use of these LED hats whenever you feel you need it. You could use it for work especially when you are working on small pieces such as in mechanics. You could have a bright light you could aim at what you are working and assure that everything is done precisely. You could also work all night long as you have a long lasting tool to help you out. Of course, you could also make use of these kinds of hats with ordinary activities such as walking your dog or jogging. If you tend to do those when it’s already dark or perhaps an hour before sunrise, you could definitely find it good to have this kind of hat with you as it could guide you through the dark.

And surely, these LED hats could be used when you are camping out or having treks. These would really be a good addition to your gears and tools and you could really make use of it especially when you are camping. Of course there would be no light sources on mountains or forests so you really have to bring along a lamp or maybe a flashlight with you. But as you would have to hold those, only one of your hands would be free to use. Just like what was mentioned above, this kind of hat is really a better option as it could allow more freedom to do other more important tasks.

There could be different kinds of LED hats on the market and some of those would be perfect for a certain endeavor. So if you want to get one, you might want to try to know which one is the right kind for you. You could ask professionals or even read some post on the internet or on the sites that offer these as they usually would have some description about it. But of course, be sure of the source as well so you could get the best quality products.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Necessary Gadgets for Hunters: The Benefits of Lighted Caps

Nothing compares to the excitement and thrills of hunting. Spending time in the forest, making use of the most basic hunting instincts and feeling one with nature is inexplicable and highly gratifying. The art of hunting has remained unchanged for centuries but modern hunters can luckily benefit from various gadgets that add some modernity to their favorite activity.

Hunting hats are one such modern gadget. They have become an important part of the outdoor gear for any dedicated hunter.

What are Hunting Hats?

The hat that is created especially for the needs of hunters comes with the traditional camouflage pattern that is so important for being unnoticed in the forest. During the night, it transforms into a great gadget because of the LED lights placed strategically in the brim.

This LED hat can be used as a flashlight that will illuminate the area right in front of the hunter and cast some light in the distance, at the same time.

Hunting and fishing hats are great for nature lovers. The flashlight is one of the items that every camper, hiker and hunter knows is vital for survival. Together with the knife and the fire starter, the flashlight can prove to be lifesaving in survival situations.

How to Use Hunting Hats?

The LED hat for hunters will keep you cool during the day and protect you from the sun. During the night, you can use it to see what is happening around you.

The hands-free flashlight lets you do a number of things because you will be capable of using both your hands. There are different technologies and a different number of lights in the models to accommodate the needs of all nature enthusiasts.

Some hunting hats are even equipped with powerful headlamps that provide more than 171 Lumens and illuminate an area equal to the size of two football fields. Such high-performance hunting hats have smaller LED lights in the brim that will allow you to read or work with your hands during the night.

Every hunter has to put together a practical outdoor gear kit. Some of the most important items to possess include binoculars, GPS device or compass, rain gear, a set of knives, sleeping bag, matches, ropes and a first aid kit. The hunting hat is the perfect addition to the kit. It provides comfort during the night and makes it easier to perform all kinds of tasks. The dual purpose of the cap that becomes a hands-free flashlight is another major convenience.

Many people enjoy spending their leisure time in nature. The forest and its tranquility are the perfect form of stress-relief. Bringing a few innovative pieces to the forest can make the time away from the city even more enjoyable. LED hats are great for hunters, fishermen and campers. A simple and practical idea, it can contribute to calmer nights and greater outdoor experiences.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

LED Running Hat – A sprinter’s dream

During modern times, we all lead very hectic lives. Our days are so hectic that we hardly find any time for workout or any other kind of fitness activity. But then, if you do not exercise, you invite all sorts of health issues and you shall have to shell down thousands of dollars to get back what you lost. Health once lost is very difficult to get back no matter how much you try. Where physical fitness is concerned, you have to start young and continue to do it so that you do not fall prey to any major health problem once you reach old age.

Running or jogging on a daily basis is said to be an excellent way of working out. But the sad part is, not all of us can afford to spare enough time in the mornings for this kind of activity. But that does not mean that you can take this as an excuse and continue with your sedentary lifestyle. For this reason, there are many that like to go run either in the early hours every morning or when it is dark. Understandably, visibility will be really bad during both these times as in the mornings, sun would not have risen and in the evenings, sun would have set by then.

LED running hat has been tailor-made for the avid runner. In the absence of the LED light on the running hat, a sprinter would have had to carry a normal hand-held lamp that can get quite cumbersome while you are running. An LED light built into the runner’s cap keeps both your hands free for swinging sideways while you run or for shooing away various creatures that obstruct your path. This lightweight running cap has been carefully designed, made of the best quality perspiration wicking fabric inside.

The exclusive C.U.B. (Concealed Under Brim) technology helps you to illuminate your path ahead of you. The notable features of this include, offering better light than any other lighted cap available in the market. Since the cap is available in normal size, it fits most people easily. The four super-bright white LED’s will easily last for more than 100,000 hours. Once you remove the batteries, you can wash the cap without any problem. The product is sold to you with four replaceable CR-2032 Coin Cell Batteries, which offer more than thirty hours of non-stop operation. These amazing features of this hat have become the cornerstone of the popularity of these hats among most regular runners.

The LED running hat does not have to be used exclusively for running alone. This hat may also be used for various other purposes like while biking, fishing, driving, or during any outdoor adventurous activity. Once you buy this hat, you will also discover many more benefits as you begin to use this on a daily basis.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Must Have For All – LED Cap Light

People, who are adventurous by nature and love outdoor activities, are always on the lookout for new things in the market that will keep their adventurous spirits aflame and alive. The creative minds also keep bringing out new things in the market to fuel the interest of all kinds of buyers and customers. That explains why new and customer-friendly products keep hitting the market every other day. Hence, there is no doubt that the day LED cap light was introduced to the public; it must have garnered overwhelming public support and reported good sales too!

The much talked about LED cap light is ideal for all kinds of outdoor trips, fishing sprees and night camping. The introduction of this product has more or less made hand-held lamps and torches redundant. It not only enables better vision due to its perfect illuminating effect but is also ideal to be used as your baseball cap. The ease of adjustment and inclination makes it a fine choice for night fishing too, if you are an avid fishing enthusiast.

A unique feature of LED cap light is its easy portability and lightweight, batteries included. The water resistant characteristics make it a fond possession for those people who undertake water-based adventures. When you purchase LED cap light, you are also given 2 long-life lithium replaceable batteries. The very simple click on/off switch enables easy operation as and when you need. Available in six attractive and popular shades, you have the option of selecting your favorite color that will agree with most of your outfits.

Other than the chief features mentioned above, you would be delighted to know that when you use this product, your hands are totally free to do what you want, while allowing you to work in dull, shady and really dark environment. Its compatibility to any situation makes it a preferred product for domestic or outdoor tasks. For other sources of lights, you need to find a place for them at home so that you are able to retrieve easily during times of need. Whereas with LED cap light, you just need to put it on your regular cap stand that you can reach blindfold any time, even when there is a power failure!

With such a useful and practical invention hitting the market and becoming an instant success, you will hardly find any use for conventional lamps or flashlights. Times are changing and it is in our best interest to welcome this change and make the best use the current technology that makes your life much easier. It’s also about time to put both your hands to good use and perform your job more efficiently as the luxury of LED cap light keeps both your hands free. Outdoor events can become more fun-filled and exciting with the use of LED cap lights. Also, the value of a product is realized only when you start using one with an open mind and discover how indispensable it is.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Illuminate Your Fishing Experience – LED Fishing Hats

Each individual has his or her favorite pastime or fitness regimen. Some like to spend hours in gym, some enjoy reading, some like to participate in marathon running, while there are some more that can enjoy any length of time swimming or fishing. If we have the time, resources and urge to follow our passion, we should consider ourselves truly blessed. If fishing is an inevitable occupation for some, it is a lovable hobby and pastime for so many. It’s not difficult to come across people who can spend any number of hours with their hook, line and sinker!

Fishing can become an enjoyable experience when you have the right fishing hats. If you have a nine to five job, it is almost impossible to pursue your hobby during weekdays, which leaves only the weekends to enjoy what you do. During those weekends too, if you have to depend on daylight only, you are left with very short time to enjoy your fishing – more so if you live an area where days are shorter than nights. As you know, many State administrations do not allow fishing once it is dark. That would not mean that you cannot fish when it is partly dark, but then visibility does suffer during party-dark conditions too. It is during such times that LED fishing hats prove immensely useful.

If you have gone away a little away from the shore as an enthusiastic fisher, you would certainly need some light to find your way back to the shore when it gets dark. Fishing hats with LED facility would enable you to get back to the shore safely without any problem. This goes on to prove without doubt that LED fishing hats are your perfect companions during your late night expeditions! Even if you have gone a little away from the shore to your favorite downstream spot for fishing, you would not need any outside help to get you ashore when it gets dark suddenly. The LED light is positioned in a snug manner into the bill of the hat and the moment you switch it on, the area ahead of you lights up instantly, a sure sign of reassurance!

During dark hours, if you still find yourself downstream, and your boat is not equipped with a search light, the light from your LED fishing hat will help you to steer clear of fallen tree trunks or other obstacles and reach the shore safely. The LED will not only light up your path upstream but it will also light up your boat interiors. Another major advantage is, you do not have to worry about the light falling off into the river as it is fixed securely into the bill of your hat. Your hands are also fully free to steer your boat to safety while being able to see clearly what is ahead of you. Once you are ashore, you can unload your fishing gear and restore your boat to its original place, with your cap light showing you the way!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Who Says Hobbies are only for Daytime?

Are you a night owl? If so, you have probably spent a lifetime struggling against stereotypes and preconceived ideas. Thankfully, research has shown there is indeed a difference in brain activity between night owls and early birds, but both can be very productive members of society! One problem night owls have is finding hobbies they can safely enjoy after the sun goes down. This is where products like the Powercap (LED running hats) can come in quite handy. Here are a few nighttime activities you can enjoy with the proper equipment.

Fishing at Night

Does the idea of sitting on the riverbank in the blazing sun leave you less than enthused? If so you are not alone, there are quite a number of people who prefer fishing at night. Not only is it cooler late in the evening you will have less competition for choice fishing locations! There are also a number of fish that prefer feeding during the cool of the night, particularly in areas where summer temperatures are scorching. Bass, catfish and carp are all more likely to feed at night, and all you have to do is figure out how to see your lures and bait. A good fishing hat such as a hands free LED equipped hat is a great choice.


Life is busy for most people today, you work long hours, which means getting in a morning run may simply be out of the question, after all who wants to get up at the crack of dawn? Okay, a few people actually enjoy being up that early but for the rest of us, running at night may be a better option. There are a couple of benefits to running at night, the first of which is of course the temperature in the summer. Why faint from heat exhaustion while trying to get your run in? It is also a proven fact that you feel like you are running faster due to limited visibility, your eyes only process things that are very close to you so it seems like you are running much faster. Of course, you still want to think about safety, which is where a running hat, especially a cap with lights, is beneficial. These devices will illuminate your path while making you visible to motorists.


Running and fishing are not the only activities you can enjoy during the evening hours, a bike ride around your neighborhood or downtown could be just the stress reliever you have been searching for. Biking at night provides so much needed exercise and in many areas, it is actually safer because there are fewer motorists on the roads. Of course, you still want to obtain the proper outdoor gear such as light colored clothing, reflectors on your bike and perhaps a handy LED hat.


If you want to enjoy life but despise getting up before the chickens, why not consider doing some of your favorite things in the dark? As long as you take proper safety precautions there is no reason, you cannot enjoy a late night jog, bike ride or your favorite fishing hole. Grab some LED safety equipment and be on your way!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

LED Safety Glasses Improve Woodworking Hobby Safety

If you are into woodworking, then you know all about the intricacies of the details involved in creating beautiful works. Whether you prefer to make items for show or your projects end up helping out around the home in practical ways, you still get to enjoy working with these amazing tools whenever you feel like practicing your art form. Of course, safety is a big part of the normal woodworking operation. Proper safety requires, at the very least, that safety glasses be worn during the creation process.

But what about taking the need for light into consideration? Light is one of those things that you can simply never have enough of when you are crafting. If you are like the average woodworker, you attempt to make your masterpieces with a single source of light from the center of the room. This only leads to one outcome: mistakes. When you are working with demanding patterns and the slightest mistake can ruin everything, having the light that you need makes all the difference.

Here at Panther Vision, we know that the harder you are trying to not make a mistake, the easier it is to make one. This is especially true in the woodworking business. If you are constantly making mistakes due to a lack of light, have you considered adding a pair of LED safety glasses to your normal woodworking safety kit?

Our lighted safety glasses have LEDs built right into the temples. With this ingenious design, we have allowed you to do what you never thought possible in the woodworking business: bring hands free light into the work surface that you can move around as you need to without ever having to touch it again. Our LED safety glasses give you the freedom to not have to depend on that overhead light, and let you enjoy your woodworking hobby in the relaxing light that lets you make all the right cuts in your project.

You will find our LED safety glasses very easy to operate. Once you put them on, all you have to do is press a button, and the LEDs spring to life with bright light that fills your work area. The battery pack and the LEDs themselves have been carefully balanced in the design, resulting in a natural feel on the face. With the lights positioned on the temples, you are free to move around naturally in your workplace, confident in the fact that the light will follow you wherever you need to go.

Because our lighted safety glasses are so easy to use, you will find yourself using them in situations away from your woodworking as well. Around the house, every time you need extra light, you will turn to your LED safety glasses and flip them on so that you can always see exactly where you are going and what your hands are doing in relation to those sharp woodworking blades.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Repairing The Car Engine With Hands Free LED

During those hot summer months, you will want to go out with your friends. But you're not going to get very far with your car not working. Whether your alternator is on the ropes or you've got a broken belt somewhere in the depths of the engine, you must get it fixed before you can go out with your buddies and enjoy those long summer days.

Getting into that engine block is no easy task. Before you can get everything running again, you will have to dig down to the problem part and replace it. That's not going to happen if you have to spend all of your time trying to hold a flashlight. What you need is a hands free LED light that will follow the motion of your head around the car engine.

Goodness knows you can't get your children to hold the light for you. In today's society, asking your kids to hold the light while you fix your car engine could be argued as child endangerment! What you need instead of an earful from the neighbors and a whining child who wants to play video games is one of Panther Vision's lighted caps.

When you get under the hood with this source of hands free LED light, you are enabling yourself to get more done. This form of hands free lighting allows you to get the light into those tiny crevasses without having to stop and move the light around. Lighted caps are perfect for these situations. Since the light follows your eyes, every minor nuance of your head is reflected in the light that the LEDs cast in front of you.

This means that you can concentrate on getting your hands down into that tight work space of your engine, and know that the light is going to follow you. When you need to turn to your toolbox and find a different wrench, you can do so swiftly, without needing to reposition your light source in order to dig for the new tool.

The LED lights built into Panther Vision products are positioned so that they shine light out, not back toward your face. You won't have to worry about being blinded while you work. You likewise won't have to worry about blinding others who walk in to talk to you. A simple push button control flips the lights off in a heartbeat as well.

Your hands will both be free while you are under the hood, allowing you to get a real grip on those nuts and bolts while you are screwing them into place. You'll even be able to see where the screw is going to go, thanks to the hands free LED cap that follows every motion of your head. Your repair work will be finished in a fraction of the time, letting you get back on the road and enjoy your summer like you should.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Including Hands Free LED Products On Your Camping Must-Have List

When you're packing up for the family camping trip, there are always those items that you worry you are going to forget. Those items that can't be easily replaced, and that your vacation would be miserable without. While you're worrying about remembering the air mattress pump and the hot dog fork, there is something else that you should put on your must have list: hands free LED light sources.

Once darkness falls out there in the wilderness, it really falls. Whether you're at a public camping ground or out in an open field under the stars, you are going to need a reliable source of light for your trip. You could allow your family to try to remember to lug around those bulky flashlights, but why bother with taking up a hand when there are LED hat options that you can choose from?

For finding things in the tent after dark, whether it's the zipper so that you can get out and find your way to the washroom, or if you're just looking for the fire starting kit, lighted reading glasses would come in handy as well. For those family members who don't like wearing hats, or those who like to read after everyone else has gone to sleep, a pair of lighted reading glasses will allow you to do what you need to in the tent, providing close quarters illumination without waking everyone around you up.

For your LED hat, you will find it so helpful to have such a source of hands free illumination with you on your camping trip. For all of the little chores that you need to take care of after dark, having both hands free will make them go so much faster. An LED hat will illuminate the ground in front of your feet while you walk, meaning that you can use both arms to carry fire wood, string up lights around your camp site, clean up after the family dog, walk to the bath house, and even dig around in the tent for the keys to your car so your family can take shelter when it starts pouring the rain.

All of these tasks will be made so much simpler just by having both hands free and a light source that will follow the natural movements of your head. The lighted reading glasses will likewise serve as a wonderful tool during these situations, placing the illumination around your eyes naturally, rather than above them. Your hands will be free to do whatever it is that you need to do to make your family's camping trip all the more fun.

Having a set of lighted reading glasses or an LED hat on hand for every member of the family will make for a much happier camping trip. Know that you can rely on the battery life in these and other Panther Vision products to get you through your camping trip in hands free style.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Relying On Lighted Fishing Hats To Get Your Line Off The Snag

Nothing interrupts the perfect day of fishing faster than a snagged fishing line. If you're familiar to the sport of fishing, then you know just how frustrating it can be when your bobber goes under, then stays under, and doesn't come back up. Surprise! Your line has just been dragged beneath that rock ledge and lodged on something that you can't see.

Even in good lighting conditions, the snagged line can be a frustration for a fishing enthusiast of any skill level. You need to get your line free if you're wanting to save the hook, the line, and the sinker you have attached to it. It's not that replacing these is any big deal, but it's more the principle of the problem: a fish has outsmarted you.

When the light is bad, you will find that lighted fishing hats are perfect for getting your line off of whatever has it snagged. In the approaching twilight, or in the darkness caused by the clouds or the trees overhead, you can use our lighted fishing hats and their battery powered LEDs to provide you with brilliant light that shines across the water's surface.

In the twilight, the LED light that comes from our fishing hats is enough to see into clear sources of water. If it's muddy or murky, no amount of light is going to help you below the surface, but you will at least be able to get a clear view of what is going on above. The fishing enthusiast who has lost their share of lines can tell how stubborn the problem is going to be based simply on how the line behaves along the water's surface during the attempt to free it.

Lines that are stuck good and proper are going to require a bit more from a lighted outdoor gear piece than simply seeing where the line enters the water at. If you have to break your line and call the tackle a loss, then you need to know what is around you before you give it a try. You never know, that line might snap cleanly. Then again, your hook could come flying out of the water's surface and shoot past you to hit an innocent bystander.
With one of our lighted fishing hats, you won't have to worry about not seeing what is behind you. Turn your head and look, the bright LED lights will follow your eyes. With lights on some models that can travel over fifty feet, you can check your surroundings for anyone who may need to be warned of your coming attempt.

If needed, you can even use the light to safely navigate your way down the banks of the river far enough so that you can safely free your line without having anyone else in danger. And when the line finally does come free, you will have the outdoor gear needed to see to repair the damage and get back to fishing.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Make Your Running Hat Work Harder For You

Let's face it: that comfortable desk job and keeping your figure don't exactly go hand in hand. You're going to need more time than there is daylight to get your workouts in if you want to maintain your figure. When your workout routine begins before the sun comes up, you're going to need a running hat that will light your way for you.

When you work a standard desk job, the only way you're going to get your workout in is if you make time for it. Unless you enjoy explaining twisted ankles to the boss, lighted caps are the answer to your early morning running woes. You know you've tried running with a flashlight, but there's just something about lugging that thing around by hand that throws you off balance. While you're trying to aim the flashlight, it seems that every footfall causes the light source to bounce around the road.

But what if you could find a running hat that did more than just protect your hair from rain and bird poop? Panther Vision's line of lighted caps are designed to cast light on your jogging path, without all the headache and hassle of holding on to your flashlight. With the LED lights built right into the bill, these running hat styles are made to stay on your head while you're on the move, without weighing the front of the hat down.

In order to get the best workout possible from your jog, you know that your hands should be free to move around. Not only is this important for burning all of the calories possible, but you never know when you will need your hands to shove a branch out of the way or to help you keep your balance while jumping over an obstacle. Having your hands free will let you handle everything that comes up, as they need to be dealt with.

Your running hat needs to be designed to stay on your head in all weather. Panther Vision has thought about that, including the batteries for these long lasting LEDs in a casing that isn't bothered by a little rain. Our lighted caps produce brilliant LED light on the road in front of you. Designed to be used while running, we know that you need to see where your feet are about to hit the ground. So, that's what we made this running hat do for you.

You never know what's going to be around the next corner. Whether your early morning jog takes place on a dirt trail or the side of the highway, you need light you can depend on. With our built in LEDs, your lighted cap will not only light your way, but make you stand out to oncoming traffic as well. Why waste your time with other hats that only keep the pigeon poop out of your hair? Get a light on the situation and keep your pre-dawn jogging routine well lit.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Protect Your Eyes with Lighted Safety Glasses

Safety glasses protect your eyes when they’re exposed to potentially dangerous environments. Typical places are chemical processing facilities, car repair shops, and laboratories, among others. Your eyes are precious and extremely important so you need to provide the protection they need. Lighted safety glasses offer more than protection. They are stylish but also designed with sturdy material to protect your eyes even in the harshest conditions. However, lighted safety glasses offer more than protection. They’re also very handy when you need extra personal lighting.

A typical example where extra personal lighting may be needed is during lab experiments. Sometimes, lighting from the main source may just not be enough for critical examination. Moreover, seeing as it is a lab experiment, the eyes need to be protected as well from a host of dangerous substances. Typically, you’re exposed to harsh chemicals and stinging smells from corrosives, acids, and other strong chemicals that can sting your eyes. These harsh chemicals can easily splatter into your eyes and in one second, you could turn blind. There’s also a chance for small explosions to occur when chemicals are mixed, leading to broken glasses and shrapnel flying around. These can also potentially injure your eyes if they’re not protected.

With lighted safety glasses, you will ‘kill two birds with one stone’ – they protect your eyes while providing extra light when it is needed. They provide a wide, clear view that enables you to see clearly and are made from extremely strong material that can withstand extreme conditions.

They’re ideal when working in a workshop or auto repair shop. For instance, if you’re going to check the water levels in deep-cycle battery cells, you definitely need to protect your eyes as they could be permanently damaged without protection.

When it comes to the shorter days of winter, it means that you’re going to spend more time in low-light conditions and will definitely need extra personalized lighting. Anyone that works with equipment knows too well how important it is to have enough lighting. Unfortunately, some parts may be located in tight areas where normal lighting cannot reach, for instance when working under some machinery or equipment. But with lighted safety glasses, you get the lighting directed exactly where you need it.

Lighted safety glasses are built for safety and versatility. Besides their very practical application in harsh environments, you can also use them at home for a range of DIY projects. If you’re painting a dimly lit room, you will need these glasses for clear vision as well as for protection from paint.

You may also need them when doing simple electrical work at home or when you’re checking out your car engine. Moreover, they could also be handy when you need extra light to catch up on a book.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Lighted Reading Glasses: Just The Tool You Need To Safely Find The Bathroom At 3 A.M.

We've all had those nights where you just have to keep getting up to go pee. You hate to wake up your partner, but you need to have some light in order to navigate this disaster of a bedroom so you can find your way to the bathroom without breaking a toe. Common obstacles like the dog can lead to you stumbling into the clothes basket if you don't have some way of keeping yourself from tripping over everything in your path. Lighted reading glasses or lighted safety glasses may be just the answer that you're looking for.

When you've got to go, you've got to go. It doesn't matter if it's you, your sleepy five year old son, or the family dog. It's still three in the morning, and someone has to pee. If you turn on the overhead light, you'll disturb your partner's sleep, and you don't want that. In order to get everyone to where they need to be quietly, and safely, during this three A.M. wake up call, you need a personal light source that's within the reach of your sleep-addled fingers.

The lighted safety glasses and lighted reading glasses from Panther Vision may be exactly what you're needing in this situation. Easy to store at your bedside, these simple to use devices slip on in a moment and power up to provide bright LED illumination in this forsaken hour of the night. You can go from squinting into the darkness and trying to identify the sleepy child who needs to pee, to having a customized light source leading the way in only a few seconds.

Not stumbling around in the house at night is an important part of being a safety bug. Unless you are one of the rare people who have a museum quality home where nothing is ever out of place, you are going to have obstacles between yourself and the toilet. Whether this comes in the form of the basket of magazines the cat knocked over, a discarded towel, or a forgotten toy car on the steps, you have hazards that you need to navigate without waking everyone else up. A nightlight only provides enough light to vaguely allow you to see outlines on the floor. That crumbled looking pile could be your son's shirt from today, or it could be the family cat. You need a source of light for a proper identification.

Both lighted reading glasses and lighted safety glasses can provide you with the burst of light that you need, while keeping your hands free for more important matters. Guiding a sleepy child to the toilet is no easy task, and neither is finding the dog's leash in the pile of coats that your children cast off in the foyer after school this evening. With lighted safety glasses, you can be able to keep the light shining exactly where your eyes need it, without needing to sacrifice a hand for the purpose.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

LED Hats: Lighting Your World When The Power Goes Out

When the power is out, the inside of your house gets dark. Really dark. In those moments between when everything went black and locating your emergency candles and your matches, the interior of your house becomes an otherworldly, foreign place. Unless you expected the power outage to arrive, you probably weren't prepared for the sudden darkness to engulf your entire world. When you have a lighted cap from Panther Vision, however, you will find that power outages aren't so bad anymore.

Granted, your television isn't working, and you lost whatever you were doing on the computer. Chances are that your kids are pretty distressed by the fact that they will need to conserve power on their cell phones, but what is important right now is to light up those darkened rooms before someone stubs a toe by walking into the piano or breaks an arm by falling down the stairs. Our LED hats are perfect for storing in every room of the house. Instead of having to stumble downstairs to find a candle, you can rest easy knowing that our lighted caps will be within easy reach of every household member.

Perfect for emergency situations, our LED hats are small and can be easily stashed away in any drawer or hung from a bed post. These lighted caps are lightweight, with the LEDs themselves being so small that they don't weight down the cap bill or make wearing them awkward. Super long battery life means that these lighted caps will be ready and within reach of every family member when the power does go out.

Our LED hats are durable and easy to store. They can be slipped on quickly, and the LED lights are positioned in a manner that illuminates the ground in front of your feet. These lighted caps spring to life with the touch of a single button, meaning that your family members will have access to bright light without having their hands full with dim flashlights or burning candles.

By keeping our LED hats close at hand, your family will always be ready when an emergency happens and the power is out. In cases of severe weather or natural disasters, when the house is plunged into darkness may be the few seconds before it is destroyed by a force of nature. Knowing that our lighted caps are close at hand will let every member of your family safely make their way to shelter in time.

Our LED hats have saved countless lives since we have been in business, and we here at Panther Vision are proud of this fact. Whether it's a simple power outage or a life and death emergency, know that your family is being protected by our family, and the easy to use, quick to turn on lighted caps that make up our LED hats product line.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Using LED Safety On Your Day Hikes

When you're out hiking, having a trustworthy way to keep your hands free but still light the trail ahead of you is critical, especially if you don't plan to make it back to civilization before darkness settles in. A cap with lights from Panther Vision is exactly what you need to light your trail without slowing you down. Relying on LED safety products when you're hiking can mean the difference between getting back to your car safely or ending up stuck on a trail with a twisted ankle in the pouring rain.

Everyone is talking about LED safety these days. These light sources are extremely powerful and extraordinarily bright, all while being powered from a long lasting battery that is so light you can hardly feel it in a device. Relying on a cap with lights to provide you with the LED safety that you expect is best handled by the experts at Panther Vision.

When you're out hiking, every ounce that you're carrying is another ounce that is going to weigh you down. On an average day hiking trip, you probably won't have much with you: possibly a canteen, your cell phone, and maybe a dry pair of socks. Under the cover of the tree canopy though, it can get dark quickly. Add a few heavy rain clouds to block out the sun, and that darkness can become imposing in a matter of minutes. When you're out in a situation like this, you need LED safety that you can rely on, and in a form that isn't going to require extra energy to take it along.

Our cap with lights selection will provide you with exactly what you need in this situation. Our LED safety technology relies on the long battery life of LEDs in combination with their light weight design. Our cap with lights feels just like a normal ball cap when you wear it, serving all the same functions of keeping bugs out of your hair and keeping the rain off of your face. When the sky abruptly darkens though, you will experience the ultimate in LED safety by simply pressing a button on your cap. Powerful LEDs will come to life, illuminating the ground in front of your feet without blinding you in the process.

Even as the rain starts, you'll be able to see the twisting path ahead of you. You can walk with confidence back toward civilization, knowing that you'll see every tree root that's out to twist your ankle and be able to identify every mud-slicked rock in time to avoid falling into the creek below. We may not be able to keep you dry on your long hike back to your car, but with our LED safety technology built into your cap with lights, you will at least be able to see the dangers that could otherwise turn your hike into a muddy disaster.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Cool Factor of a Cap Book Light

Have you ever wanted to stay up late at night and read, but your did not want the light to wake up your roommate, significant other or anyone else that just might be in the room? If so, there is a solution available. All you need to do is wear a pair of glasses. Once you put them on and engage the on switch, you will have a nice stream of directional light that will ensure you can read your favorite book or magazine without any hassles. You might even be able to get your tax returns or take home work done with relative ease as well.

No, these glasses are not a novelty item. There are truly well made and expertly crafted. And yes, they are perfect for reading in a poor light scenario. You will not have to worry about straining your eyes to read in the dark or not being able to read at all. Such problems will not ever be an issue. These professionally made LightSpec reading glasses can certainly deliver what you expect from them.

Actually, to say they are only good for reading would not be an accurate assessment of what these excellent reading glasses can be used for.

Do you have any DIY projects in mind? There are also excellent safety glasses available in this design. These glasses are great for use in low light scenarios where you wish to wear basic eye protection.

You might even find it useful to keep a pair in the glove compartment of your car. You never know when you may need to access them for something such as having to fish through your car's trunk in limited lighting.

Keeping a pair in your inner coat pocket can be a help when you are out and about. There are even LED lighted waller readers which are compact and fit right into your wallet. You might find these glasses tremendously helpful if you need to finding something in your wallet or purse very quickly in the dark. Of course, you can use the glasses for a host of other purposes as needed.
These glasses will remain perfectly secure on your face. You won't have to worry about them being ill fitting as long as you put them on properly. The LED lights are also completely and effectively sealed and hidden in the frames. They lights do not stand out in a clunky or less than appealing manner.

And speaking of appealing, these frames do have a stylish look to them. The frames are very well crafted and they never fail to deliver on their intended functional value.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Helpful Access to LED Safety Hats is a Huge Help


What is meant by LED safety? It is not all that difficult to figure what it means on the most basic of basic level. The LED lights on the hat you wear can enhance your ability to avoid a lot of errant problems that can occur in a low light (or even NO light) scenario. There are quite a number of hats available for a number of different purposes. You have running hats, outdoor work hats, hunting and fishing hats, and more. Among the most helpful would be a safety hat. This hat is designed to provide exceptional amounts of light while also offering safety from impact thanks to its durable design.

These hats do offer a great way to acquire lighting without having to carry any flashlights. Since you do not have to carry these flashlights, you do not have to run the risk of losing them. Who wants to put a flashlight down and then cannot find it? Well, you might still be able to find it if it is giving off the only source of light in the room! Okay, in all seriousness, if the flashlight is off and you put it down, you might have to start searching for it which can be an annoying inconvenience. For better LED safety, you will find it a wiser idea to purchase a LED hat.

How is it that LED safety can be attained? The most obvious reason is that low light scenarios are not longer low light. Your hat can illuminate the area in front of you taking away some of the hazards which can be possible when it is very difficult to see.

Hazards can come in a lot of forms. Tripping over errant objects or, possibly worse, cutting yourself on something sharp that you did not see will always remain a potential problem. The best way to reduce such problems when they are caused by the dark would be to add more light to the scenario. This might not eliminate all problems and hazards, but it may very well eliminate most of them. And would that not be the best outcome you could hope for?

You also do not have to waste time fumbling around with a flashlight in your hand. Your hands are free to deal with whatever task is at hand. LED safety increases when your hands are not tied up with holding a light. Wearing the LED light on your hat eliminates such problems which is a good thing when your concerns revolve around issues of safety. Of course, you will want to buy quality LED hats with a reliable light. This way, safety issues are never in question.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Safety in LED Lighting Products

There are many reasons to employ safety gear, though sometimes it can be difficult to determine exactly which safety gear you need. In your toolbox, you should always keep some sort of light source, though most will choose a flashlight. What many people fail to realize is that a head mounted light will always do a better job than a standard flashlight. Miners in the 1950’s figured this out rather quickly, and since the flame powered torch was phased out, head mounted lamps have simply been the norm.

That said, there are a few different ways to incorporate head lamps into your daily routine, no matter what your needs happen to be. For example, you might need to complete some repair work, or maybe you need to light the way on a hiking expedition. No matter what it is, there is always a good LED performance product more than capable of providing the solution you need.

One of the most popular of the LED safety products happens to be the LED cap. The best part about the LED cap of course, is that it tends to be lightweight. You do not have to worry about awkward battery positioning, nor do you need to concern yourself with replacing the batteries on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, you can actually purchase a solar powered LED cap that will last for more than twenty-four hours. The LED lamps are small, and they are angled in such a way that they will follow your head movements perfectly. When you are dealing with a product like this, you NEED LED performance, and you need something that works well for you.

Another great LED safety device of course is the safety bug, which allows you to become visible in the dark, fog, and up to a mile away. As you can see, there are plenty of LED safety devices, and they are a necessary part of your toolbox. Are you ready to start improving your line of sight and your safety potential? If so, then head over to Panther Vision and check out the wide array of LED products. You might spend a little bit of money, but in the end, it will be entirely worth it. Whether you’re looking for an LED bug, a cap, glasses, wallet readers, or another incredible LED device, companies like Panther Vision have you covered and properly illuminated.



Monday, January 7, 2013

Clip On LED Cap Light

If you are reading this, then you are more than likely aware of all the uses for cap lights. Cap lights have been around for years, though as of late they have become considerably more efficient. As time goes by, more and more people become aware of cap lights and their many uses. For one thing, a good cap light will give you the ability to work at night. You might be working on your vehicle, or you might be trying to bait a hook. Then again, you might be trying to modify the electrical system in your basement. No matter what you happen to be up to, a cap light can contribute.

What if you could take it a step further? The cap light is, of course, a great innovation, but you CAN in fact take it a step further with an LED clip on light. These are a bit larger than the LED lights you would find on the bill of a cap, but they have far more uses. For example, you will actually be able to remove them from the bill of your hat if you wish to use them as a flashlight. In addition to that, you will be able to use your LED lights as work lights if you need them to focus elsewhere.

Because these clip on cap lights are small, you can actually affix two of them to the bill of your hat. Yes, they will be a little more visible, but they will also be a lot more useful. In addition to featuring a clip, these units are magnetized so that they can be affixed to any surface with or without the clip.

The implication here is that you will be able to use the magnetized surface in an industrial area, perhaps a pipe, a metal wall, or even the hood of a car. This will give you the hands free lighting you need, and an entirely new way to work. As you can see, you have plenty of options when it comes to LED lighting, and with that being the case, now would be the time to start looking into the different options,and ultimately chose an LED arsenal that will keep you in business. In today’s world there is nothing more important than lighting the way, and LED manufacturers can help you to do it with style.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

LED Book Light -- A Must for the Weary Traveler


Since the dawn of time, mankind and other species have enjoyed the art of reading. Book and cave drawings provide us boundless entertainment -- a way to escape the world around us and engage in a realm of fantasy that we long to become a part of. Throughout the ages however, one problem has haunted us when it comes to reading, and this is the problem of finding a light to read by. Our sun is still in the center of the solar system, and we have plenty of natural light, but finding a light to read by at night is still incredibly difficult. This is where the cap light and the LED book light come in handy, especially for travelers.

Reading at home is one thing. After all, you can simply turn your lights on. If you are traveling however, you face a serious problem. There are many ways to travel, from planes, to trains, all the way to boats. If you have a private cabin there is really no problem, but if you are in a public area, having an LED book light might save you a considerable amount of trouble.

LED lights are an incredible invention as they are able to provide an incredibly bright directional light with a minimal amount of power. In addition to that, they are outstanding at preserving battery life due to those low power requirements. That being the case, these lights are not only convenient, they are also incredibly affordable.

If you are ready to improve your reading potential and pass the time properly, then now would be a great time to start looking into the different LED lights whether you choose the spectacles or the LED cap light. These are not terribly expensive, and if you want to go the extra mile, you can utilize rechargeable batteries. As you explore the world of LED lights you will undoubtedly find plenty of other options, from the wallet readers, to the glasses, and other various items.

LED lights can contribute to safety and usefulness, so make sure you look at all of the available LED items and see what will contribute to your collection. It is utterly amazing how many purposes LED lights can fill, so start looking around and think about what you can introduce into your routine. The lights are on, it’s time to come home!