Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Protect Your Eyes with Lighted Safety Glasses

Safety glasses protect your eyes when they’re exposed to potentially dangerous environments. Typical places are chemical processing facilities, car repair shops, and laboratories, among others. Your eyes are precious and extremely important so you need to provide the protection they need. Lighted safety glasses offer more than protection. They are stylish but also designed with sturdy material to protect your eyes even in the harshest conditions. However, lighted safety glasses offer more than protection. They’re also very handy when you need extra personal lighting.

A typical example where extra personal lighting may be needed is during lab experiments. Sometimes, lighting from the main source may just not be enough for critical examination. Moreover, seeing as it is a lab experiment, the eyes need to be protected as well from a host of dangerous substances. Typically, you’re exposed to harsh chemicals and stinging smells from corrosives, acids, and other strong chemicals that can sting your eyes. These harsh chemicals can easily splatter into your eyes and in one second, you could turn blind. There’s also a chance for small explosions to occur when chemicals are mixed, leading to broken glasses and shrapnel flying around. These can also potentially injure your eyes if they’re not protected.

With lighted safety glasses, you will ‘kill two birds with one stone’ – they protect your eyes while providing extra light when it is needed. They provide a wide, clear view that enables you to see clearly and are made from extremely strong material that can withstand extreme conditions.

They’re ideal when working in a workshop or auto repair shop. For instance, if you’re going to check the water levels in deep-cycle battery cells, you definitely need to protect your eyes as they could be permanently damaged without protection.

When it comes to the shorter days of winter, it means that you’re going to spend more time in low-light conditions and will definitely need extra personalized lighting. Anyone that works with equipment knows too well how important it is to have enough lighting. Unfortunately, some parts may be located in tight areas where normal lighting cannot reach, for instance when working under some machinery or equipment. But with lighted safety glasses, you get the lighting directed exactly where you need it.

Lighted safety glasses are built for safety and versatility. Besides their very practical application in harsh environments, you can also use them at home for a range of DIY projects. If you’re painting a dimly lit room, you will need these glasses for clear vision as well as for protection from paint.

You may also need them when doing simple electrical work at home or when you’re checking out your car engine. Moreover, they could also be handy when you need extra light to catch up on a book.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Lighted Reading Glasses: Just The Tool You Need To Safely Find The Bathroom At 3 A.M.

We've all had those nights where you just have to keep getting up to go pee. You hate to wake up your partner, but you need to have some light in order to navigate this disaster of a bedroom so you can find your way to the bathroom without breaking a toe. Common obstacles like the dog can lead to you stumbling into the clothes basket if you don't have some way of keeping yourself from tripping over everything in your path. Lighted reading glasses or lighted safety glasses may be just the answer that you're looking for.

When you've got to go, you've got to go. It doesn't matter if it's you, your sleepy five year old son, or the family dog. It's still three in the morning, and someone has to pee. If you turn on the overhead light, you'll disturb your partner's sleep, and you don't want that. In order to get everyone to where they need to be quietly, and safely, during this three A.M. wake up call, you need a personal light source that's within the reach of your sleep-addled fingers.

The lighted safety glasses and lighted reading glasses from Panther Vision may be exactly what you're needing in this situation. Easy to store at your bedside, these simple to use devices slip on in a moment and power up to provide bright LED illumination in this forsaken hour of the night. You can go from squinting into the darkness and trying to identify the sleepy child who needs to pee, to having a customized light source leading the way in only a few seconds.

Not stumbling around in the house at night is an important part of being a safety bug. Unless you are one of the rare people who have a museum quality home where nothing is ever out of place, you are going to have obstacles between yourself and the toilet. Whether this comes in the form of the basket of magazines the cat knocked over, a discarded towel, or a forgotten toy car on the steps, you have hazards that you need to navigate without waking everyone else up. A nightlight only provides enough light to vaguely allow you to see outlines on the floor. That crumbled looking pile could be your son's shirt from today, or it could be the family cat. You need a source of light for a proper identification.

Both lighted reading glasses and lighted safety glasses can provide you with the burst of light that you need, while keeping your hands free for more important matters. Guiding a sleepy child to the toilet is no easy task, and neither is finding the dog's leash in the pile of coats that your children cast off in the foyer after school this evening. With lighted safety glasses, you can be able to keep the light shining exactly where your eyes need it, without needing to sacrifice a hand for the purpose.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

LED Hats: Lighting Your World When The Power Goes Out

When the power is out, the inside of your house gets dark. Really dark. In those moments between when everything went black and locating your emergency candles and your matches, the interior of your house becomes an otherworldly, foreign place. Unless you expected the power outage to arrive, you probably weren't prepared for the sudden darkness to engulf your entire world. When you have a lighted cap from Panther Vision, however, you will find that power outages aren't so bad anymore.

Granted, your television isn't working, and you lost whatever you were doing on the computer. Chances are that your kids are pretty distressed by the fact that they will need to conserve power on their cell phones, but what is important right now is to light up those darkened rooms before someone stubs a toe by walking into the piano or breaks an arm by falling down the stairs. Our LED hats are perfect for storing in every room of the house. Instead of having to stumble downstairs to find a candle, you can rest easy knowing that our lighted caps will be within easy reach of every household member.

Perfect for emergency situations, our LED hats are small and can be easily stashed away in any drawer or hung from a bed post. These lighted caps are lightweight, with the LEDs themselves being so small that they don't weight down the cap bill or make wearing them awkward. Super long battery life means that these lighted caps will be ready and within reach of every family member when the power does go out.

Our LED hats are durable and easy to store. They can be slipped on quickly, and the LED lights are positioned in a manner that illuminates the ground in front of your feet. These lighted caps spring to life with the touch of a single button, meaning that your family members will have access to bright light without having their hands full with dim flashlights or burning candles.

By keeping our LED hats close at hand, your family will always be ready when an emergency happens and the power is out. In cases of severe weather or natural disasters, when the house is plunged into darkness may be the few seconds before it is destroyed by a force of nature. Knowing that our lighted caps are close at hand will let every member of your family safely make their way to shelter in time.

Our LED hats have saved countless lives since we have been in business, and we here at Panther Vision are proud of this fact. Whether it's a simple power outage or a life and death emergency, know that your family is being protected by our family, and the easy to use, quick to turn on lighted caps that make up our LED hats product line.