Tuesday, July 30, 2013

LED Safety Glasses Improve Woodworking Hobby Safety

If you are into woodworking, then you know all about the intricacies of the details involved in creating beautiful works. Whether you prefer to make items for show or your projects end up helping out around the home in practical ways, you still get to enjoy working with these amazing tools whenever you feel like practicing your art form. Of course, safety is a big part of the normal woodworking operation. Proper safety requires, at the very least, that safety glasses be worn during the creation process.

But what about taking the need for light into consideration? Light is one of those things that you can simply never have enough of when you are crafting. If you are like the average woodworker, you attempt to make your masterpieces with a single source of light from the center of the room. This only leads to one outcome: mistakes. When you are working with demanding patterns and the slightest mistake can ruin everything, having the light that you need makes all the difference.

Here at Panther Vision, we know that the harder you are trying to not make a mistake, the easier it is to make one. This is especially true in the woodworking business. If you are constantly making mistakes due to a lack of light, have you considered adding a pair of LED safety glasses to your normal woodworking safety kit?

Our lighted safety glasses have LEDs built right into the temples. With this ingenious design, we have allowed you to do what you never thought possible in the woodworking business: bring hands free light into the work surface that you can move around as you need to without ever having to touch it again. Our LED safety glasses give you the freedom to not have to depend on that overhead light, and let you enjoy your woodworking hobby in the relaxing light that lets you make all the right cuts in your project.

You will find our LED safety glasses very easy to operate. Once you put them on, all you have to do is press a button, and the LEDs spring to life with bright light that fills your work area. The battery pack and the LEDs themselves have been carefully balanced in the design, resulting in a natural feel on the face. With the lights positioned on the temples, you are free to move around naturally in your workplace, confident in the fact that the light will follow you wherever you need to go.

Because our lighted safety glasses are so easy to use, you will find yourself using them in situations away from your woodworking as well. Around the house, every time you need extra light, you will turn to your LED safety glasses and flip them on so that you can always see exactly where you are going and what your hands are doing in relation to those sharp woodworking blades.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Repairing The Car Engine With Hands Free LED

During those hot summer months, you will want to go out with your friends. But you're not going to get very far with your car not working. Whether your alternator is on the ropes or you've got a broken belt somewhere in the depths of the engine, you must get it fixed before you can go out with your buddies and enjoy those long summer days.

Getting into that engine block is no easy task. Before you can get everything running again, you will have to dig down to the problem part and replace it. That's not going to happen if you have to spend all of your time trying to hold a flashlight. What you need is a hands free LED light that will follow the motion of your head around the car engine.

Goodness knows you can't get your children to hold the light for you. In today's society, asking your kids to hold the light while you fix your car engine could be argued as child endangerment! What you need instead of an earful from the neighbors and a whining child who wants to play video games is one of Panther Vision's lighted caps.

When you get under the hood with this source of hands free LED light, you are enabling yourself to get more done. This form of hands free lighting allows you to get the light into those tiny crevasses without having to stop and move the light around. Lighted caps are perfect for these situations. Since the light follows your eyes, every minor nuance of your head is reflected in the light that the LEDs cast in front of you.

This means that you can concentrate on getting your hands down into that tight work space of your engine, and know that the light is going to follow you. When you need to turn to your toolbox and find a different wrench, you can do so swiftly, without needing to reposition your light source in order to dig for the new tool.

The LED lights built into Panther Vision products are positioned so that they shine light out, not back toward your face. You won't have to worry about being blinded while you work. You likewise won't have to worry about blinding others who walk in to talk to you. A simple push button control flips the lights off in a heartbeat as well.

Your hands will both be free while you are under the hood, allowing you to get a real grip on those nuts and bolts while you are screwing them into place. You'll even be able to see where the screw is going to go, thanks to the hands free LED cap that follows every motion of your head. Your repair work will be finished in a fraction of the time, letting you get back on the road and enjoy your summer like you should.